Data breaches can be highly damaging for businesses, especially considering the increasing amounts of important information that’s being stored on digital systems.
A recent study from Advisen earlier in the year found 14 per cent of the smallest companies in the Asia Pacific believed cyber risks to pose a serious threat to operations. These companies were also found to be the least likely to have some form of appropriate security in place.
Businesses will need to ensure security is a top priority, and make it a part of the long-term business development strategy.
Where risks originate
Cyber risk a highly a complex area for companies to understand, with attackers having a variety of reasons for attacking a network. It’s common for attackers to seek information to sell on, or leak to the public.
In addition, they may also simply wish to damage the reputation of a company, though this so-called ‘hacktivism’ is largely relegated to government agencies.
Where security is needed
Businesses may have a number of vulnerable areas to security breaches, without even being aware of them. For example, smartphones can be infected with viruses, and have important information leaked.
Company data storage can also be affected, with years of important details leaked instantly during a breach. While it may not take long for a hacker, the leaked information could cost a company both financially and in terms of reputation.
The best solution
To deal with security issues, it’s often essential to ensure that appropriate security systems are in place. These can prevent the majority of outside attackers entering secure networks and systems.
The other area of concern is staff training, and this is a vital part of a security solution. Trained staff are able to understand how their actions can lead to breaches, and subsequently begin practicing safer practices.
Security should become a top priority within the near future, in order to ensure businesses keep data and systems secure.